
Dear all,

As you may have heard, on August 10 Billy and I are moving. Our goal is to move to Arnhem, a city in the Dutch province of Gelderland, Netherlands.

While the Dutch government doesn’t require us to be married to be a couple, a) we think it will be easier if the Dutch and American governments think of us the same, and b) we have been together for just over 2,000 days and still think being together is a good idea. 🙂 We decided that we should at least get married on paper. We heard enough feedback from family that others would like to share in the ceremony, even if it were just us in front of a judge.

So, Billy and I are now planning a get-together with family and friends that happens to contain a short wedding ceremony. My dad (Jack Ebright) has done wedding ceremonies for decades, and asked us if he could do it for us as well, so he will officiate.

We are looking to keep it low-key. Our ideal ceremony is a few minutes of words, some paperwork, and then a potluck meal celebrating and socializing with family and friends. There is no dress code, so please wear whatever you would normally wear to a family gathering.

The gathering will be June 23rd at Billy’s uncle Charles’ and aunt Suzanne’s home:

2429 31st St.
Allegan, MI 49010

We will finalize the schedule in the coming days, but I expect it will be: gather at noon; service, spoken words, paperwork, etc. from 1 pm to around 1:15 to 1:30 pm, and then eat, socialize, and generally have a fun time until you want to go home!

A note on gifts: absolutely none are needed – Billy and I are currently living in an overstuffed household, and we are taking very little across with us when we move. The best gift to us would be to join us if you are available, and bring some food to share if you can; and to not feel bad if you’re not available, as this was pretty late notice. 🙂 That being said, if you really are interested in gifting something additional, we will be creating a new household abroad, and would welcome any monetary contributions towards things like a sofa, bed, television, etc.

Please send your names and head count to by June 9 if you will be joining us.

Thank you!

Nikki & Billy